- Lakshya
- Unnathi
- Research Cell
- Bhasha Sangama
- Pragnya
- Shristi
Lakshya - Commerce and Management Forum

Lakshya aims at going beyond classroom learning and promoting a creative bent of mind, ingenious thinking and a genuine appreciation of the challenges of the wider world of commerce and business. The forum aspires to help students develop the required skill-set to stay abreast with the ever-changing demands of industry and thereby create future business leaders.
- Raghavendra S
Unnati the Faculty Development Forum provides an opportunity to faculty members to develop competence in pedagogy & research and update their knowledge with the latest academic practices in their field. The faculty can then practice and share their new learning with thousands of students in due course bringing about a major qualitative change in academic and practice.
Many faculty members have been awarded University Grants Commission Minor Research projects. The Executive summary of 5 completed projects are available in PDF form at this site.
- Navitha Kushal
- Archana Tejaswi M. N.
- Anusha H. R.
- Ramya C.
- W. R. Sashirekh
Research Cell
Anveshana-the Research Cell of our college was founded on this very ideal. The Cell promotes a research bent of mind among the faculty members by steadfastly encouraging them to take up research based activities. The Cell conducts several programmes to motivate the staff to enroll for M.Phil and Ph.D programmes. It also motivates them to undertake UGC sponsored research projects. The Cell encourages members of the staff to publish their works in leading journals and to present papers at national and international conferences.
The Cell also attempts to cultivate an interest in research interest among students. Research Day poster presentation competition is conducted every year in which a large number of students participate enthusiastically. A Research Journal is brought out to maintain a record of the posters presented. Our students have participated and won prizes at national and international level conferences with their poster presentations.
The Research cell has organized a National Level Student Research Conference on "Higher Education : Student perspective". It has also brought out the first issue of the multi-disciplinary research journal 'Anveshana'.
- Dr.sapna G S
Basha sangama
The forum comprises Kannada Parishat, Soudamini Samskruthe Vedike, Hindi Parishad and the English Club Kaleidoscope. Bhasha Sangama aims to foster a deeper literary sensibility among students by creating a platform for interaction with eminent literary personalities. It stimulates literary creativity through various activities and competitions at the college and inter-collegiate levels.
Science Forum

Pragnya aims to keep students abreast of recent developments in science and technology through interaction with experts in the field. The forum also conducts programmes and competitions to encourage innovative application of theoretical concepts among students.
- Smt Rajeshwari V
SHRISTI - Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cell
The Shristi Innovation and Entrepreneurship Cell of the college aims to nurture innovation and creative ideas and provides ample support to advance such talents into real world business propositions.
The main objective of Incubation Centre in our institution is to promote the culture of entrepreneurship, provide networking, offer mentoring and training support, assistance to draft business plan and cultivate start-up business ideas.
- Sri Sridhar N M
The Institutions Intellectual Property Rights Cell is a move in the direction to create awareness and educate on IPR among faculty members, research scholars, and students. Several seminars, workshops, guest lectures, quiz programs, industrial visits and Poster Making Competition are organised. Eminent resource persons and experts from the field are invited for knowledge sharing sessions. Some of the programmes organised by the Cell are:
Dr Anjan R Nair, IPR Attorney, College of Engineering, Trivandrum, Mr M G Kodandaram, IRS (Retd) Master Trainee for CBIC, GOI & Cell for IPR Promotion and Management, GOI, Mr Manjeeth, Advocate, Mr Praveen, Iskcon and Mr Venkatesh Dayanand CS, IPR Attorney.
- Balaji - MBA
- Shalini M K - MCA